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The Communications Committee supports local and state leaders to ensure health communication materials are utilized effectively and appropriately within NHPI communities. Additionally, to identify health-related communication gaps/needs within NHPI communities and create a strategic plan.

The Health & Well-Being Committee looks to amplify the needs of NH and PI communities and find equitable and culturally-centered pathways to improved health & well-being through education and partnerships.

The Data & Research Committee (DRC) ensures there is a culturally appropriate response, collection, analysis, and reporting of data that meets the needs of NHPI communities. While the current work of the committee is focused on the analysis and reporting of race and ethnicity categories relevant to our communities, the application of this work can inform statewide data governance policies.

The Policy Committee aims to promote the restructuring of health, including the social, environmental, and cultural determinants of health, through ʻohana/ʻāina-centric policies that support holistic and comprehensive service provision in alignment with the goals of NHPI 3R.